True Tikis — Roadmap 1.1

3 min readMay 2, 2022


An in-depth look into the True Tikis Roadmap.

Project Q1

  • Stake 2 Earn: Stake your True Tikis Genesis NFT to generate $TIKI, the native token for the True Tikis ecosystem. The $TIKI token will be the second most important component of the True Tikis ecosystem, next to the Genesis in terms of utility. Token utility will include but is not limited to: Currency for True Tikis Marketplace; purchase whitelist spots, entry into NFT raffles, redeem for True Tikis project components, purchase physical and digital items, and more.
  • True Tikis Marketplace: Using your $TIKI tokens, you will be able to purchase whitelist spots for your favorite up and coming projects, purchase and enter into raffles for NFT’s, purchase physical and digital items from the True Tikis brand and/or from our brand partnerships, purchase True Tikis project components and more.
  • Community Wallet & Vault: The True Tikis Community Wallet and Vault will be used to stock the True Tikis Marketplace with a variety of products, items and opportunities. It will also serve as a community portfolio of coins and NFT’s. 🏛
  • Quarterly Town Hall: This major event to be held on a quarterly basis will involve upcoming announcements, project progress, on-chain voting, addressing issues and hearing suggestions and/or comments from our holders and community. True Tikis holders will be able to voice their opinion and conduct conversation regarding their visions.

Project Q2

  • True Tikis Brand Launch: Physical line release; clothing, accessories & collectibles will be made available for True Tikis Genesis holders. A separate collection will be available for the general public as well. Holder or not, rep the #TikiFam! 🌋
  • Tikiverse Phase I: NFTWorlds land purchase and development for use of all True Tikis Genesis holders.
  • The Ultimate Sacrifice Phase I: Holders face their first major storyline decision, choose their own fate and proceed on their path in the True Tikis ecosystem. This first decision will involve a burn component to be combined with your True Tikis Genesis. To burn or not to burn, that is the question. Component must be purchased via the True Tikis Marketplace using $TIKI.
  • Quarterly Town Hall: This major event to be held on a quarterly basis will involve upcoming announcements, project progress, on-chain voting, addressing issues and hearing suggestions and/or comments from our holders and community. True Tikis holders will be able to voice their opinion and conduct conversation regarding their visions.

Project Q3

  • True Tikis Ecosystem expansion: ‘Ke hele mai nei nā akua wahine.
  • Tikiverse Phase II: True Tikis VX Airdrop 🪂 (Free to all Genesis holders)
  • The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Holders face their second major storyline decision. This second decision will involve a second burn component to be combined with your True Tikis Genesis and the TT Ecosystem Expansion item. Hint: Ohana. Component must be purchased via the True Tikis Marketplace using $TIKI.
  • Quarterly Town Hall: This major event to be held on a quarterly basis will involve upcoming announcements, project progress, on-chain voting, addressing issues and hearing suggestions and/or comments from our holders and community. True Tikis holders will be able to voice their opinion and conduct conversation regarding their visions.

Project Q4 & Beyond

  • IRL Holder Events: Exclusive holder-only events and venues. 🍹
  • Expand: Further development and strengthening of the True Tikis ecosystem and community.
  • Quarterly Town Hall: This major event to be held on a quarterly basis will involve upcoming announcements, project progress, on-chain voting, addressing issues and hearing suggestions and/or comments from our holders and community. True Tikis holders will be able to voice their opinion and conduct conversation regarding their visions.




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